Friday, October 15, 2010

Cave scene in Aladdin

I suddenly remembered the scene in Aladdin where he is sent to get the magic lamp and he isn't allowed to touch any of the treasures there.

I picture myself as Aladdin in this cave of a universe with all these jewels strewn about - from electricity, beautiful women to the mysterious number 'e' (exponential) .
It overwhelms.

Make the magic lamp invisible and the story has no end.

It has hardly begun.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

save the planet: adopt a chicken

“Have you had the feeling that every morning, you cant help but begin afresh. You struggle to connect one day's labours or dreams with the next.” I heard this on the first day of a two day reiki workshop. I didn't go the next day. The three hour commute did not convince me either.

I don't know if I'd want every single hapless day to count though. It sounds almost perfect if every day would walk into the wild and implode at 00:01. So that not a single burden or pleasure lingers around.

I've been here so fucking often.
Its not enough to stand & watch.
Its not enough to cook up impossible futures.
Its not enough to debate in delusive verses.

Not unless I go all the way.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Without reason or rhyme

Its sunny outside
the mist has cleared;
my sweat smells sweet
I miss the moon.

Turn to look behind
abandoned souls follow.
Breathing heavy and conscious,
every limb,ligament and nerve.

Some words appear floating about
disjointed in action.
Like rags patched with gold
posing as Kings.

Sloths day dreaming from branches
awake to the full moon.
A meal for one more dream.

[Flick a switch]
TV comes alive. dinner is served.
I sit up to smile
so fine and optimistic.

run chicken run

Run Chicken Run

the juicier the faster.
Take all your babies,
before they are broilers,
It’s not your fault you’re fat,
some say that we are the brat.

In the end it’s a matter of life,
I suggest you hide away your wife,
And perhaps you shouldn't chatter,
cos our chef is ready with the batter.

Some do admire your brain,
some want to look good on the food chain.
You could try suing God,
but they are going to call you a fraud.
Don't you wish that you could fly,
not knowing we still need only one try.

Anyways, we’ll never know if you ever crossed that road;
Not while you are in the oven as today’s load.

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

a mockery of words

Friday, February 23, 2007

Sleep paralysis?

This is an old experience. somewhat scary yet interesting...

I think I had a few experiences of something that is maybe sleep paralysis. It was a bunch of times when I was in college. I was dozing off in bed when I heard a knock on the door. I could see the door but was completely incapable of even getting off the bed. It was lousy because I used to try very hard to move until I was just fed up. After a while or so, I used to snap out of it. when I woke up a while later (and could move my limbs) I once noticed that the bed was in a different position altogether. This is how I realized that it was maybe some kind of a dream.

I had this exact same experience about 4 or 5 times. And it never felt like a dream.
As in I always thought my eyes were open since I could see the room, the bed, myself in it,
and the door in front of me.

I was never able to ascertain if someone did knock on the door.
In such a case, MAYBE this happened cause my mind(awareness) jerked to consciousness while the body was still asleep. [*sceptic]
I have read about such experiences though.

Apparently, there is a normal mechanism of paralysis that occurs when one is in deep sleep.
They say it is useful because it prevents physical movements (for most people) during a dream.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Whats your preferred messenger service?

Kindly try to drop in a word if you are passing by.
Its an informal survey for my course.

1. Google talk
2. ICQ
3. MSN live msgr
4. Skype
5. Yahoo

please write in your choice as a comment (even if its not above list).