Tuesday, January 30, 2007


It explodes and I get carried away and
try to wrestle with completely different things
forcing them into a single arbitrary frame.

like a movie where a mexican, an arab, a chineese, a jew, an indian and an american are best buds hanging out at mcdonalds.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


now: partly sunny, -7 degrees Celsius

room for context

its like my head is frozen and limbs are hanging out
waiting for orders

formal & informal
Do not Disturb. Ughhh... *some flute song*


click, drag, drop; movie playing
mouth is free now. dinner is served.

now: partly sunny , -6 degrees Celsius

Sunday, January 14, 2007

bye bye b!@#* coffee

The global language police has released the list:


The words that are no longer politically correct.

Someone in glasgow was refused an order of 'black coffee'
until he altered it to 'coffee without milk'.

I can hear some people with a complexion that isnt white, brown or blue
laughing their ass off.

Beethoven & Coffee

I have been introduced to beethoven's symphonies;
music and not the name,
by a chineese friend in my study program.

I have found a killer combination for work (works for me):
beethoven and coffee!
(coffee with milk & sugar)

Be warned: instant coffee just wont do. I suspect it might offend Beethoven as well.